Ephesians 5:15-17 (NIV) 15 pLook carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 pmaking the best use of the time, because qthe days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand whatrthe will of the Lord is.
Living Your Divine Purpose
These verses from Paul to the Ephesians remind me of all the questions and uncertainty that must have plagued Joseph during much of his life. When he was seventeen years old, God blessed him with dreams of future power and of purpose … dreams that seemed so clear and real (see Genesis 37:5-8). But then things went terribly wrong.
Beginning with his brothers selling him into slavery, evil descended on Joseph and God’s purpose for his life seemed to vanish. He had to survive the evil and fight the temptations that came his way. He had to keep the faith and trust that God’s will was being done and his plan would one day be revealed. This waiting took a large part of Joseph’s life. However, he made good use of that time as he built his character and God provided him with the life experiences that would someday allow him to be a success in the role as the second most powerful person in Egypt.
Using Joseph’s life as a perfect example … and following Paul’s guidance, we should be confident that God has put us on this earth for a purpose. Yes, we will face difficulties and challenges in our life. Yes, the future may not always be clear. But keep the faith! We should live our life in a way that brings honor to God and always be seeking his divine purpose for us!