Dear Lord, Before we begin today’s blog entry, I want to thank you for this new day and all that it holds for us. I ask you to be with me as I put into words what you are saying to me and that your message will touch those who read this today.
In Jesus’ Name,
Luke 12: 22-31
22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.
23 For life is more than food and the body more than clothes.
24 Consider the ravens; They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than the birds!
25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?
26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
27 Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you – you of little faith!
29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.
30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.
31 But Seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
These past 2 weeks we have had many opportunities to volunteer with the Austin Disaster Relief Network and Samaritan’s Purse in helping families who were affected by the devastating floods in our area. Heartbreaking stories of lives lost, and changed forever, from normal to nothing in minutes! Families lost their homes, and cars a lifetime of things held dear, to the flood waters that swept through their neighborhoods. They had little or no warning! Many have no insurance to replace what they lost! Families who were already struggling to get by lost the little bit they had. Big beautiful vacation homes along the river were swept away and those inside along with it! In one house nine people who were in the home in the early morning hours were swept away, only one survived!
One of the questions that we ask the families when we talk to them is: What possible Good could come out of this awful event?
Those whom I met with were just so grateful to have us helping them. For some it was difficult at first for them to receive help, but as they began to talk about it and open up to us, their hearts opened up to receiving not only the material things, but also the love of God as well. Most were thanking God to be alive, though they lost most if not all their things, they were so grateful and appreciative for all the help and assistance that they were given.
Another good thing that has come out is the increase in their faith! One family has found a renewed faith in God and wants to return to church after years of not going. One couple overwhelmed by this whole event began to see the way through this as we came and helped them sort through their things and make repairs to their home. We came to help in the Name of Jesus, and give him the glory for all that we were able to do. We hope that through this experience many will come to faith in Christ or renew their faith in Christ.
The lines that jumped out at me, in this whole message from Jesus is: “You of little faith!” and the ones that Jesus repeats again and again: “Don’t worry”, and “Your father knows all the things that you need and if you seek him first for the things you need, they will be given to you.”
Jesus himself is telling us, promising us that God will provide all that we need for this life, and when I stop and look back over the years of my life I can see that he really has.
Growing up in a large family we didn’t always have what we wanted, but we had just what we needed. When we got married, my husband and I struggled in the beginning of our marriage in providing for ourselves, and our children. He was working two jobs, and wasn’t home very much. I tried to work, but it was too difficult to take care of the kids and work. So we prayed and asked God to provide. Bill let go of his second job and we told God we would live on whatever his one job provided. Soon after God gave him a new job. It was even more than what we were hoping for. We also gave everything over to God. We released ourselves, and all that we had to God. We saw that once we let go and let God be in control that he was able to help us to use what we had to serve him, and help others too.
Over the years God has blessed us with so much and we have tried to live by our promise. We have lent cars and motorhomes, our home and many other things to those who had a need. We give financially to our church, as well as other ministries, where God called us to. We are willing to go and help whoever and however God calls us to.
The key is to ask God first! He has the bigger picture and knows exactly what we each need!
We also discovered how freeing it is, to trust in the Lord and follow him where he wants us to go.
We just need to put God first! He wants to be a part of our lives, not just be the Big Guy upstairs who we call out to every now and then, or when we are really desperate! God wants to have a relationship with each of us. He wants each of us to know him and love him with all of our hearts! He wants us to walk by Faith, Not by Sight! When we do; we get to have that Radically different Life, Pastor Delton talked about on Sunday.
I love having all that we have, and feel so blessed to have it. But what I truly want for, more than the stuff that is here one day and can be taken away the next is: MORE JESUS!
More Jesus for myself, my kids, my family my friends, neighbors and the world to know Jesus MORE , and to receive all the love that he has for each, and everyone of us!
I thank you God, FOR JESUS! For all of your Love and Goodness, and all of your blessings! Thank you for providing all that we need. Please help us to seek you first God. Thank you also for all of the opportunities to share your love with those around us everyday!
May you be, Glorified Lord, in all that we say and do. Amen.