Determining God’s Will

12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. As I read this passage, I am struck by the road map Paul offers here.  First, offer our body as a living sacrifice – our true and proper worship.  “True and proper worship” is identified in my study bible as “your spiritual act of worship” - “not merely ritual activity but the involvement of heart, mind, and will. “  Heart, mind, and will – not a resigned submission but a joyful consent.  There is a popular slogan that immediately comes to mind – “All In”.  If my heart, mind and will are joyfully offered to God in recognition of all that he has done for ME, I am “All In”.   My heart; soft and vulnerable before God; tender and compassionate toward others.  My mind; seeking true knowledge of God in his word;  seeking understanding of his true character; seeking to know him as the loving Father that he is.  My will; surrendered to his leading; walking in obedience to his guidance; being shaped to conform to his direction.

Second, don’t conform to the pattern of the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  The pattern of the world - a world that focuses on temporary pleasures; filling the empty places in our souls with success, money, things, self, etc.  The pattern of the world – focused on my will, my needs, and my desires rather than on God’s will.  How does the renewing of our minds happen?  Pastor told us that “God seems to believe in the power of prayer to change us. He is shaping us into joining Him on His mission to save a world.  We are to trust the process – PRAY then do.”  My prayers can be the key to allowing God to mold and shape me – to continue the process of changing me.  To continue the process of preparing me to join Him on His mission.  I must TRUST the process in order to experience the renewal of my mind.

As I offer myself in my spiritual act of worship and experience the renewing of my mind – I can begin to know God’s will by knowing GOD.  I can know his good, perfect and pleasing will.  What a road map!  No, not directions but a process that prepares us for our individual faith journey – our part in advancing God’s will throughout the earth.

Dear Father, I praise you for your word, teaching me about you and your love.  I thank you for the opportunity to bring everything to you in prayer.  I worship you and give you all glory!
