Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for your Bible that tells us who you are and how we should live. Thank you for preserving your words for us today.
Quiet our hearts and remove distractions so we can focus all our attention on you. Teach us your truths Lord. We Love you!
In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen!
1 Peter 2:1-3
New International Version (NIV)
2 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
My first thought is what does Peter mean by the word therefore? By looking back a few verses it looks like Peter is speaking to believers. So therefore, since I am a believer in Christ Jesus, I need to grow closer to Jesus by feeding on His word, the Bible. I need to crave His Words like a newborn baby craves milk. God’s words will grow me spiritually just like the milk causes a baby to grow. To feed on God’s Word I need to get rid my desire to sin. Sins like the desire to hurt someone with my words or to try to make people believe I’m someone I’m not, or to have dishonest motives, or envy and slander. But how do I do that? When my heart is full of sinful desires there is little room for God’s Words. God’s words are true, pure, Holy, and life changing. I need to feed on His words each day asking God to change my heart and to remove the desire to be mean to others and to replace them with the truths of His Holy Word. I need His Words to convict me of my sin and give me a desire to change and to live the way He wants me to. God wants me to fill my heart with His truths, promises, warnings and commands. That will leave no room for sin to come in. I need to feed on God’s word daily so my mind and heart are continuously filled with Jesus and to keep sin from creeping back in. I need to hunger and thirst for the truths He has for me there and drink them in every day. I need to desire them, read them and meditate on them so my heart can be filled with things God wants there. I want to know what believing in God means for me and know how He wants me to live. His Words will renew my mind and transform my thinking in ways I could never imagine. Only He can fill me up.
What are you hungry for?
Are you hungry for the pure milk of God’s Word?