The stories in today’s reading remind me of a trip I took to India about a year and a half ago to learn about the intense Christian missionary work happening there. When I used to read stories about evil like the “curse of the thorns on devil day” my mind would say “yea right” - Not anymore.
The picture above was taken in Varanassi in Northern India. It is one of holiest of cities to Hindus and Indian Buddhists. The heaviness and weight of evil was almost palpable in the city. This picture of a snake charmer brings back such vivid memories of my walk and boat ride tour through Varanassi. The images and experiences are far too numerous to list here. The evil control of a village by Satan through a witch doctor as described by today’s reading is definitely possible in a land where the name of Jesus is virtually unknown. The sights and sounds and images of spiritual bankruptcy, bondage and lost-ness flood back into my mind and heart even as I write this!
The next part of the story - where the little boy prayed to His God Jesus and Jesus healed and freed his grandma from an evil curse - is the best part of the story! This part of the story reminded me of this picture of a Children’s Bible Club we visited in southern India which met on the roof top the teacher’s home.
The joy and life that exuded from these children as they sang songs about Jesus stand in stark contrast to the oppressive spirit in Varanassi. I can just picture little Luke (perhaps like one of the boys on the right) taking the reality of Jesus home to grandma and in the authority of Jesus setting her free!
Devries says we are going to spend this week in “Why Pray?” discovering more about our spiritual self image in Christ and specifically the authority we have in His name. How did he put it, “We must regain the self-image that little Luke had; a self-image of courage and fearlessness. … We will see who we really are and be called back to our position of spiritual authority and inexplicable, spiritual power!”
I am very excited about this upcoming week – about learning and experiencing the fullness that God has for us each day. I think especially about how I am learning to deepen my prayers for the homes and families God has called me to pray for.
Talk to me! What is going through your heart and mind on this DAY 29?
Thanks for continuing on the journey – Enjoy!
PS. This week we are beginning to collect “Why Pray? - Stories”! Please share through the blog or email ( any and all stories (long or short) of how God has used the “Why Pray? Journey” in your life!