Latest In-Person Worship Information
January 1st, 2022
Only Online Worship and NO IN PERSON worship at PoG on 1-2-22.
Point of Grace Friends and Family,
What a crazy time we continue to live in. The current variant of COVID is highly contagious and seems to be rampaging through our friends, families and church. In light of these realities we have decided it would be wise and loving to only have Online Worship this Sunday and NO IN PERSON worship at PoG on 1-2-22. God is amazing how He provides and leads even in unprecedented circumstances.
Two predominant realities lead us to this decision. 1) It did not seem appropriate to have an in person gathering of people when such a contagious variant of COVID is so prevalent in the area and 2) a majority of our staff (including Pastor delton) and key volunteers are ill with Covid now and would not be able to help make in person worship happen effectively.
This is an ever changing environment and we will keep you posted about further changes if any but for now,
Online Only Worship at PoG on 1-2-22 at 11am (
NO In-Person Worship at PoG on 1-2-22
If you have any questions please email
Enjoy your New Years Celebration and we will see you online on 1-2-22.
Pastor Delton and the PoG Leadership Team
July 24, 2021
In response to the latest Austin-Travis County Risk Based Guidelines entering into Stage 4, Point of Grace is recommending, but not requiring, the use of masks at both services regardless of vaccination status.
We will also be expanding the mask required section to accommodate more people who feel that is the best option for them for in-person worship.
We will continue to encourage social distancing so the chair rows will remain six feet apart. And we ask parties to keep space of at least 2 chairs between them and the next party in the row.
Additionally, Point of Grace also continues to offer a fully online option for worship every Sunday starting at 11:00am on Facebook, Youtube and Vimeo. This worship service is also always available in recorded form for the entire week as well.
As always the Staff and Leadership Team will continue to monitor information as it becomes available to make appropriate decisions in regards to the worship experience at Point of Grace.
June 1, 2021
Beginning June 1, 2021 there will be a "masks optional" policy on the Point of Grace campus - it's your choice. However, during both Sunday morning worship services the section of chairs to the far right, as you enter, will be a "mask required" section. This is being done to provide an in person worship option for those who would prefer worshipping in an environment where those close around them are masked. We will continue to encourage social distancing so the chair rows will remain six feet apart. The video linked here may be a helpful explanation of this change as we continue to navigate life together.
The current children's ministry schedule, detailed below, will continue in June.
Nursery (ages 0-2), Children’s Ministry and Middle School Ministry will not be provided at the 9:30 service at this time.
Nursery (ages 0-2), Children’s Ministry, and Middle School Ministry will be available during the 11 a.m. service on the First and Third Sundays each month.
Update as of 5/23/21
Point of Grace is excited to announce Two Worship Services Beginning May 2nd!
9:30 a.m. In Person Worship with announcements at 9:25
11:00 a.m. In Person and Online at with announcements at 10:55
Masks and Social Distancing Practices are still in effect at this time at both services.
Nursery (ages 0-2), Children’s Ministry and Middle School Ministry will not be provided at the 9:30 service at this time.
Nursery (ages 0-2), Children’s Ministry, and Middle School Ministry will be available during the 11 a.m. service on the First and Third Sundays each month. All safety protocols will still be in place.
As PoG expands to two services, the need for volunteers is great!
If you would like more information on Volunteering in the Nursery, Children’s Ministry, and on the Hospitality team, please email for details!
Any other questions please email
We are excited to see where God leads His people at Point of Grace both In Person and Online as we head into the future!
Update as of 1/2/21
Governor Abbott’s recent order to lift statewide COVID related mandates on March 10 is ample reason for our Leadership Team and Staff to intentionally review our current worship gathering protocols for church. Point of Grace will continue current procedures when gathering for in person worship. This includes asking all worshippers to mask and socially distance when in the building. Sunday morning Children’s and Middle School Ministry will happen on 1st and 3rd Sundays. So we can continue to plan appropriately for in person worship, please continue to use the “Save a Seat” feature on the website. This is very helpful.
We will be revisiting these procedures in mid-April, after Easter and communicate any changes moving forward. There will be detailed information about in person and online worship opportunities for Holy Week and Easter.
We are very thankful that public health information concerning the pandemic is getting better. Someday the threat of COVID 19 will be in the past but until that time we will continue to love Jesus and one another well as we step into the future as His Church. If you have any questions or would like to communicate with regards to these procedures, you are always welcome to email .
Update as of 1/2/21
As we begin 2021 Point of Grace will continue to offer in-person and online worship opportunities at 11:00 am on Sundays. However, due to the current COVID realities in our community, Children’s Ministry and Nursery care is not being offered during worship. This to keep both children and adult volunteers safe especially because with regards to these ministries which necessitate close personal contact. We hope to open those ministry service up as soon as possible and are reevaluating on a week by week basis.
Thank you and we will see you in worship either online or in person.
Christmas Eve Worship Update 12/24/2020
Point of Grace Family,
In light of the very recent Travis County declaration of Stage 5 COVID recommendations, myself and our Leadership Team have prayed and discussed whether worship plans for Christmas Eve should be altered. Point of Grace will continue with planned Christmas Eve services both in person and online. I am so thankful for this team and the way they weighed and prayed through many factors associated with this decision.
Although we will have in person worship, I ask you to please worship with us online if: 1. You are not feeling well or are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID
2. You or anyone close to you has had any close exposure to someone who has COVID or is awaiting testing
3. You have underlying health issues or are in a group that is more likely to be adversely affected by COVID. We would hate to see anyone take unnecessary risks when they can worship online.
4. You have not already signed up through the “save the seat” feature on our website. The sign up option was closed on Wednesday evening when the total hit the number of attendees that can safely gather in our worship space and still stay socially distanced. So, we are asking that only those who have signed up attend in person worship. If you have any questions please email .
Great effort has been taken to provide a quality on line worship experience for so many that will need to choose that option.
If you will be worshipping in person we ask that you;
∙ Mask at all times when in the building and adhere to the 6 foot socially distancing and sanitizing protocols while in the building. Hand sanitizer is readily available in the lobby.
∙ Arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before the service and proceed to the worship center not congregating in the lobby,
∙ Sit together with your family or group that you mutually agreed beforehand to sit with while leaving 3 seats between your group and others,
∙ Proceed all the way out of the building when exiting before stopping to converse with others, ∙ Keep all children with you during the services as nursery, childcare and children’s ministry services are being suspended for all PoG worship services until further notice,
Appropriate measures are being taken to provide a safe in person environment (including using sanitizing spray on the seats between services) but the “online worship option” remains the most conclusive safety measure you can take as a worshipper.
The really great news is that whether we worship online or in person it is still Christmas, Jesus is still Lord. The latest COVID numbers are very real and tens of thousands of people are sick and adversely affected because of this deadly disease. Yet, in the midst of this pandemic we get to hear and respond to angels bringing, “good news of great joy for all the people”. We look forward to worshipping Jesus with you – online or in person.
We are praying for you as you make decisions, including about worship, that are best for you and your family. Merry Christmas,
Pastor Delton and the Leadership Team
Point of Grace Regathering Information and Guidelines
In-person Sunday worship began in late September, and we continued making online worship available.
We truly wish we could just throw the doors open for everyone to come and celebrate. But, it is not possible, yet.
We will celebrate, but will have to be content with regathering for in-person worship while following some important guidelines, shared below, so we all will have a common understanding as we move forward. Remember, our motivation to alter or change our behaviors is out of “love for one another”. Even though we may have the “right” to do something a certain way (like the normal way we use to go to church) we get to voluntarily adapt the way we do things simply out of love for others, especially those who may feel differently than we do.
General Guidelines for Everyone
(below are additional guidelines for Children’s Ministry participants)
Before You Arrive
Personal Decision – We all understand that attending worship at this time is not appropriate for everyone but it will be appropriate for many. As you contemplate these guidelines and pray about your particular situation (age, current health status, vulnerabilities to coronavirus, etc.) we trust God will lead you to a decision that is right for you. We are each part of the PoG family whether worshipping online or in person.
“Save a Seat” - The social distancing measures described below will greatly reduce the capacity of the worship center so we will all need to RSVP our intention to attend by using the “Save a Seat” feature on our website. Use this link to reserve space, every week, for your family members whether in the worship center (Grade 6 – Adult) or in Children’s Ministry (Infant – grade 5). Knowing beforehand how many are planning to attend will help in preparing for the day and limiting attendance if necessary.
Arrival and Gathering
Parking and Entering– You may park and enter from the front or back but we highly recommend families with children ages infant through Grade 5 to park and enter from the back so you can easily access Children’s Ministry upon arrival. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available as you enter. Please keep moving through the lobby so uncomfortable bottlenecks of people in close proximity do not form. The lobby will be more for passing through than for hanging out.
The Service – One in-person Sunday service will be held at 11:00 a.m. (with preservice at 10:55). Live preservice and the Worship Service will simultaneously be available online through our website as we have been doing. The outside doors will open at 10:45 for worshippers. (Volunteers for the day may enter earlier as needed.) The service will be approximately 60 minutes long. Live preservice from 10:55-11:00 will be happening as we enter for in-person worship, so come in, find a seat, and enjoy!
Middle School - Students 6th - 8th Grade will be invited, during the sermon, to FUSE Middle School Ministry in the Youth Room across from the Worship Center. Students will return to their seat during the closing song. They will be asked to please wear a mask as they exit and for the duration of FUSE. Please remember still to save them a seat in the worship center.
Social Distancing - We ask each participant to maintain the 6 ft. social distancing rule in the worship center, lobby and throughout the building. Rows of chairs will be spaced 6 ft. apart. Worshippers in the same row should allow 3 empty seats between you unless you came together or mutually agreed to sit together beforehand.
“Please Wear a Mask!” – Wearing a mask is a great way to show “love” for others. It says to others that we are restricting our behavior so they will feel more comfortable being a part of this gathering. Please wear a mask anytime you are in the building. Free masks are available at the entrances and you are welcome to use more than one during the service.
Exiting and Fellowship in the Lobby – At this time, the lobby area is much more for “passing through” rather than “hanging out”. Please refrain from close contact greeting like shaking hands and giving hugs. Our lobby is not large enough for us to all maintain some semblance of social distancing while visiting with one another. In addition, if we stop and talk for a while with others, especially when a lot of people are present, we can easily form a bottleneck where people cannot move freely at safe comfortable distances from each other. Things will go back to normal someday but that time has not yet arrived. Please use the outside areas and parking lot for “hanging out” with each other if you choose to, but not the lobby.
Sanitizing – Preparations are being made to keep the building and fixtures appropriately sanitized. Additional cleaning of high touch surfaces will happen prior to the service. Hand sanitizer and masks will be readily available for those who do not bring their own.
Special Information About Children’s Ministry
Before You Arrive
“Save a Seat” – When you use the “Save a Seat” feature at (mentioned above) to RSVP your family’s attendance, make sure to include your children (Infant through Grade 5) . You will receive an email confirmation from Michelle Turnipseed regarding your reservation.
Health Screening - Please do a screening on your child’s health including a temperature check before coming. If your child appears to be ill, please worship with us online from home.
Mask - We recommend bringing and wearing a mask for children ages 4-9. Our Children’s Ministry volunteers will be temperature-checked the day they serve and will wear a mask.
Kid Check
Change starting November 1: Please register ALL members of your family for worship, including children under 5th grade. Children will begin in worship with their family and a volunteer will lead them to children's ministry when our middle school youth exit, right before the message. *Please still reserve seat in their classroom on this same form when prompted. Nursery available for children under age 3.
Arrival and Gathering
Prevention - Social distancing will be practiced as much as possible. Hand sanitizer will be provided and used often by volunteers and as children enter the classroom. We will clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces/objects/fixtures prior to class and afterwards.
Additional Specific Information for Parents with children will be shared by Michelle Turnipseed our Children’s Ministry Director in the confirmation email you will receive after registering yourself and your children through the “Save the Seat” feature discussed above.
Thank you so much for reading all of this. Do not hesitate to email your comments and questions to Your input and questions will help us communicate better in the future.
The journey back continues!
PoG Staff
Point of Grace Regathering Information
Latest Regathering information
As of August 23, 2020
Our pastor, staff and leaders are working and planning for us to begin regathering for in-person worship on Sunday, September 20th while continuing our online worship opportunities. This is our target date but is subject to change due to changing conditions and regulations.
We truly wish we could just throw the doors open for everyone to come and celebrate. But, this pandemic along with health regulations won’t allow that. So we will have to be content with a phased and limited approach. However, we will be able to open in somewhat of a “bigger way” than our first re-gathering plans shared in June. We will still need to do things like socially distance, wear masks, follow sanitizing protocols, limit the size of the crowd, only have one service, and RSVP our intentions to attend. BUT we are very excited to offer Children’s and Middle School ministry (Infant – Grade 8) on Sunday mornings during the worship service!
Over the next several weeks detailed information will be sent out and posted to our website ( which will describe what we all need to do in order to prepare for in-person worship as well as what to expect when we get here – so stay tuned.
The purpose of this correspondence is to:
· share the regathering target date, September 20th,
· ask everyone to stay alert to forthcoming details and
· PRAY! Pray preparations move forward unencumbered. Pray against the spread and effect of the virus. Pray for the spiritual and physical vitality of all of us knit together in this unique expression of God’s kingdom called Point of Grace.
We know you probably have many questions sparked by this information. Hopefully by September 6th all the detailed information you will need will be sent out and posted. If you still have questions and or concerns you are welcomed to email us at .
It is so exciting to take these steps toward regathering! We are looking forward to being together again.
Pastor Delton, PoG Staff and Leadership Team
The latest information as of 7.5.20
Point of Grace Family,
If there is one thing we are learning through this pandemic it is that things change. In light of the current realties concerning COVID-19 in our area and the leading of the Holy Spirit our Leadership team, staff and myself all agree that Point of Grace will not be offering in-person worship beginning July 12th as previously planned. It would not be wise nor loving to do so.
In some sense everything has changed in the last several weeks with regards to Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations, so much so that our Governor has issued tighter restrictions as of July 2nd. If you have not read or listened to the latest orders, links are included here. for a video of the Governor revealing the latest data and regulatory responses, for a copy of the latest executive order.
Even though we had hoped this update would have news of continued reopening plans the reality of our situation dictates a different response. Although we are not prepared to state a new target date for re-gathering in person, we do commit to continued vigilance as leaders and continued communication with all of you.
In light of all this I am inspired to share three encouragements.
1) I want to encourage you to press into your personal relationship with Jesus. Through means of worship, prayer, devotional reading, spiritual conversations etc. These are unprecedented times which offer unprecedented opportunities to deepen our walk.
2) Vigilantly participate in the online opportunities which we do have as a church. Weekly worship @ 11 on Sundays as well as Preservice Live at 10:45, Live “Afterthoughts” on Thursdays at 7pm as well as any Inform and Inspire videos that come out periodically.
3) Stay connected to a small group of people who have your spiritual best interests at heart like a Grow Group or the Alpha course. This is also the place to use our serving energy right now. We get to check in on people through phone, text or online. Do not hesitate simply to care by connecting with those who are in your heart and on your mind.
The Holy Spirit has been moving me through a transition of thinking lately. I believe He is leading me beyond a “survive” mentality to a “thrive” mentality. I believe Jesus is asking me to respond to the deeper question of “How will you thrive as my disciple in this current reality?”
So, Point of Grace…. It looks like we are in for a long haul with this virus. I am absolutely convinced Jesus is leading us to “thrive” as a church that is “loving and leading real people into the meaningful life Christ intends”.
In Jesus Name,
Pastor, Point of Grace Church
In the past few days our Pastor, Staff and Leadership Team have concluded that it is best for Point of Grace to postpone the beginning
of in-person worship previously planned for June 28, 2020.
The new target date to offer in-person worship at Point of Grace is July 12, 2020.
As was shared previously these target dates are subject to change due to the changing realities of the situation we all are in. Our leaders prayerfully considered many factors in making this decision and trust the Holy Spirit was and is guiding. These factors can be summarized in two categories.
First, is the latest information about the spread of Covid19 in our area along with accompanying regulations from governing authorities. Although we were hoping by now to be hearing of lower rates of infection and hospitalizations the opposite seems to be the case. The latest information from Travis County authorities also indicates an increase in some restrictions in our area. Here is a link to see their most recent 6/18/20 order.
This sort of information results in varying levels of comfort with in-person worship within the Point of Grace family. It is so very helpful in this time for us each to reflect grace, love and patience with one another knowing that we each may feel very differently about physically regathering as a church family.
Secondly, is our capacity (on 6/28 and 7/5) to host a quality in-person and online worship experience simultaneously.
This requires an upgrade in technology and equipment and the availability of key staff and volunteers who have particular expertise in the areas of video and livestream production. A great team of staff and volunteers has been working for months, and every week we see the fruits of their labors. New equipment has and is being purchased as needed. The availability of these key people to prepare for opening June 28 and as well as be available the following Sunday, July 5, became an issue due to COVID19 related reasons for some and due to “4th of July” weekend related reasons for others.
Weighing the above factors and praying for the Spirit’s leading, the Leadership decided to postpone the beginning of in-person worship for two weeks knowing full well that the new target date is still subject to the ever changing circumstances summarized above. In other words, we may need to postpone again.
Praise God that what binds us together as a church, as Point of Grace, is not our building or opportunity to gather but Jesus, present among us and in us by His Spirit. So, until we can once again gather physically as a church family we ask your grace and patience for us your leaders and for one another. Loving one another, as Jesus desired, looks a little different these days but is still the heart of our life together.
We continue to encourage all of you to fully participate in the online opportunities on Sundays and Thursdays as well as Grow Group participation. We will continue to keep you informed and welcome any input and questions. Please feel free to communicate via email at your input is very helpful.
God bless you as you live by faith as a child of God and witness for Jesus in an unprecedented time.
Pastor Delton, Staff and Leadership Team
Point of Grace Regathering Information
The latest information as of 6/10/20
It has been crazy, these last months, doing church and being Jesus’ church yet not being able to gather. Time to begin regathering is here. Our pastor, staff and leaders are working and planning for us to begin regathering in a limited way on Sunday, June 28. This is our goal date but is subject to change due to changing conditions and regulations.
We truly wish we could just throw the doors open for everyone to come and celebrate. But, this pandemic won’t allow that. So we will have to be content with a phased approach. The information below summarizes our thinking at this point for Phase One of regathering beginning the 28th. We share this so all of us can have a common understanding as we move forward. We will continue to update you while remaining flexible knowing that things can (and probably will) change. As we move closer to the opening date more detailed guidelines will be shared so you can plan for what works best for you and your family.
The Service - Beginning on June 28th PoG will hold one in-person Sunday service at 11:00. Our Online Service will also continue at 11:00 as we have been doing. The service will be 50-60 minutes long.
Social Distancing - We ask each participant to maintain the 6 ft. social distancing rule in the worship center and in the lobby. Rows of chairs will be spaced 6 ft. apart and worshippers, in the same row, who did not come together should have 3 empty seats between them. Whoever you came with you can sit with -- otherwise 3 seats between you.
“Save a Seat” - These distancing measures will greatly reduce the capacity of the room so you will need to RSVP your intention to attend by using the “Save a Seat” feature on our website This feature will be active the week prior to the 28th. (More details on this to follow.) Knowing beforehand how many are planning to attend will help in preparing for the day and limiting attendance if necessary.
Children and Youth -There will not be children’s or middle school ministry in Phase One therefore children will remain with their families. There will continue to be online resources available each Sunday for children and a special “busy bag” with age appropriate things to keep them busy during the service.
Masks? – Whether masks will be required or just an option is still being evaluated. We will let you know about this guideline in plenty of time for you to make a decision about attending what is right for you.
Sanitizing – Preparations will be taken to keep the building and fixtures appropriately sanitized. Hand sanitizer and masks will be readily available for those who do not bring their own.
Personal Decision – We all understand that attending worship in Phase One is not appropriate for everyone but it will be appropriate for some. As you contemplate these guidelines and pray about your particular situation (age, health status, vulnerabilities to coronavirus, etc.) we trust God will lead you to a decision that is right for you. We are all still part of the Point of Grace family whether we are worshipping online or in person.
Do not hesitate to email your comments and questions to Your input and questions will help us communicate better in the future.
The journey back has begun!
PoG Staff