3.7.13 "Dead - QUITE Dead!"
Romans 6:5-85For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection, 6knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, that our bodyof sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin; 7for he who has died is freed from sin. 8Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him…
The notes from Sunday’s message at Point of Grace say, “When Jesus came to humanity, He was on a mission to set us FREE – to invade the world of men that was in bondage to the evil one and to set them free. Mmm – doesn’t freedom from bondage sound wonderful? And that’s exactly what the reading today from Romans promises – freedom from bondage to sin.
It says that my old self was crucified with Him! It says that I should no longer be a slave to my sin! It says I am freed from sin. It says that if I have died with Christ, then I will also live with Him!
The Message says “your old way of life was nailed to the cross with Christ, an end to that sin-miserable life – and you are no longer at sin’s every beck and call.”
Oh – to no longer be at sin’s beck and call! I want that – don’t you?
Sadly, I think that I walk around looking and acting like a zombie - like I am dead - like I am still a slave! Sometimes I don't look or act like I am free! I look and act like my “old self.” I looked up the word “old” in the Greek Study Bible and it said: "Old –antique; not recent; worn out; in the past; long ago, former man."
I bet it makes Jesus sad, to have died for me – to have risen for me – to free me from my sin – only to see me still walking around looking like an old, worn out antique, insisting on wearing the shackles He freed me from!
Verse 7 says “for he who has died is freed from sin.” I looked up "died" as well and it made me chuckle. "Died - to die out; to become quite dead."
This means that the old Dawn isn’t just dead – she is “Quite Dead!”
Ok – I am going to be super theological – Ready? You know how --- when you step on a bug --- sometimes it’s just “kinda” dead? Especially a wasp that has a crusty, hard shell of a body? You can’t just “step” on it a little bit – you have to really stomp on it – crunch it – crush it – grind it with your heel - whatever it takes – because those pesky things may look dead – but if you’re not careful -- and walk away – they can get right back up and sting you again – so you make really sure a wasp is dead before you walk away. You know what I'm talkin' about?
Perhaps that is how I need to truly think of my old self - crucified with Christ –that she who has died is freed from sin - no longer a slave - that the old Dawn is not just dead, but really, really, really dead – “Quite dead!”
I'm ready to walk around and look like I am "alive" - free - not dead! I need to go back and re-read verse 5 - "If I have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly I shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection!" I can walk around alive in His resurrection! "No longer a slave to sin!"
Do you struggle with this, too? Do you still act like the old you isn’t dead? Are you still wearing the shackles that Jesus set you free from?