As the deadline approaches for me to write this blog I feel anything but light right now, so I go to the Father, the originator of light. Tears instantly well up in my eyes. Where do I start? I fall on my face Lord and surrender all this darkness to you - my feelings of inadequacy, the sadness of a friend’s father dying, my “busyness” with things that shouldn't matter....dumb stupid things (now tears have stopped and grinning). The light of our Lord, Jesus Christ starts to seep in - thank You, Jesus. Restore me in You, renew me in You.... Good morning POGers, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that each of you can start over this new day, like I just did! I couldn’t get out of the darkness of this night to hear what God wanted me to hear in today's passage of John 1: 1-5, until I went to Him.
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness , and the darkness has not overcome it.
This whole “Intervention by light” didn’t start this last Sunday with the message, but started with me during Advent. God continues to remind me of how His light truly shines through Jesus for us all and that we are to receive that light and to tell others who can’t see it or can’t seem to overcome the darkness. Verse 4 and 5 hit me Sunday, during the message, but the true Epiphany came just now!
Before I surrendered and received, I read this verse and thought, “Oh, great - I hear nothing”. Afterward, my heart is full of joy - it's truly amazing what God can do (guess it says that in verse 3 :)). I am instantly encouraged and my mind is racing with what I want to proclaim in the Name of Jesus!!!
I loved when Pastor said, “Darkness cannot co-exist with light, just like darkness cannot overcome it” in talking about verse 5. Something you would think I’d get but I didn’t until I experienced it. It’s something simple I can fight the devil with.
Well, I passed up the deadline to get this in, but I won’t let that darkness seep back in cause all I can see is the LIGHT that Jesus brought with Christmas. Lord, help me keep that alive always.
So how is your day going? How did this passage or Sunday’s message speak to you?