The Scripture for today is Psalm 139:1-61 You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. 5 You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.
Our series on Family Matters has really encouraged me. Being reminded of all the ways that our Father in heaven loves us even when we are at our most unlovable has been an incredible comfort to me. Some days – I am just not that lovable. As Delton would say – I am a mess! When my Father in heaven searches me – he finds selfishness, arrogance, stubbornness and other flaws that I am ashamed of. He knows that when I sit and I rise – I am frequently focused on my own stuff, not him. He knows every thought in my head – yep, even the mean ones. You know the ones - thoughts of judgment toward others, not compassion; resentment instead of joy in serving; whiny “poor me” thoughts – my list could go on. He knows what I am going to say before I say it. Gosh, Lord – could you just put your hand over my mouth sometimes? That would save me so much trouble in my relationships!
When I first read these verses, I find them convicting. To be honest, I squirm quite a bit. This is a level of intimacy that is tough for me. Like Adam and Eve – I sometimes long to hide my sin from my Father. I hate disappointing him. HE doesn’t allow me to do that. He knows me and loves me so well – I can’t hide from him. If I run, he will pursue me with his Holy Spirit. He is my Abba, My Daddy, My Father in Heaven – NOTHING can separate me from him. He is behind me and before me, he lays his hand upon me. Rest in this for just a moment… this is wonderful news! Our Father in Heaven loves us so much that he literally surrounds us with his love and mercy. If we turn to him – we literally breathe him in. We don’t have to be a vacuum sucking in all kinds of unhealthy and unwholesome things – we can breathe in LIFE, LOVE, and REDEMPTION! So, read these verses again brothers and sisters. Rejoice in our Good Father who knows us with the deepest intimacy and loves us anyway – just as we are. His face smiles down upon us with love, mercy and compassion. Can’t you feel the warmth of his presence? Breathe in his LOVE in the midst of this day!
Father in Heaven – thank you for loving us FIRST. Help us to learn to love YOU! Lord Jesus, thank you for teaching us how much our Father loves us! Thank you for giving your life as a ransom for our sin – splitting the veil separating us from the Father! Holy Spirit – fill us with your presence, the very breath of LIFE. Amen.