35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Questions for Reflection:
Do I consider myself part of “Team Jesus” in this harvest? Do I have open eyes to notice others? Do I even want to? On my own, probably not. Prayers like this week’s prayer points to the truth that it has to be Jesus In Me that gives me the desire to have open eyes and an open heart. Join me in asking the Holy Spirit to give us the gut-wrenching compassion to SEE others, say “HEY”, and PRAY!
Prayer of the Week:
Father, Son, Holy Spirit I am so excited that I get to live this day united to You in the very depth of my being. Thank you Jesus for reconciling me to my Father in heaven who loves me very much. Thank you Spirit for filling me afresh with the very presence of Jesus. I receive You now and consecrate myself to You and Your purposes for me this day. I am Yours and You are mine.
I praise you Jesus for being so “open hearted” and “noticing me gracefully” even when I was dead in my brokenness and sinfulness. I am amazed at your “open hearted love for all people”. Jesus, I want to be as “open-hearted” as You are.
I am so very sorry that I often default to my old “sinful self” me when doing life which closes my heart to people especially when I feel, anxious, overwhelmed, angry, __________________ (fill in the blank with personal confession of any closed heartedness). When I am closed I don’t notice people gracefully … I do not love well… even those closest to me. I do not want my sinful self to take the lead and call the shots today. I now put off and renounce my old self in Jesus name!
Jesus, I now by faith, clothed in forgiveness, receive and put on my new life I have in You – my “Jesus in me” self – given to me in my baptism! Your heart in me opens me up to love people well. I want to practice today being “open hearted”. Lead me into opportunities all day to notice people – really see them with grace-filled eyes and respond gracefully. Help me bring unmerited favor in small and large quantities to whomever you lead me to today. I am your vessel bringing your grace today! The words of the apostle Paul seem so real right now, “It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.” Wow!
I specifically pray for Alpha which starts this week. Jesus, I open my heart to anyone you bring to mind for me to grace with an invite to Alpha. I trust Your grace for all the ways I will mess today up. I trust Your grace for all the ways You will work through me today as I notice people gracefully!