What Does the Holy Spirit Do?- 6/9/21

1 While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples and asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”

2 They answered, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.”

3 So Paul asked, “Then what baptism did you receive?”

“John’s baptism,” they replied.

4 Paul said, “John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus.” 5 On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. 7 There were about twelve men in all.

8 Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months, arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God. 9 But some of them became obstinate; they refused to believe and publicly maligned the Way. So Paul left them. He took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. 10 This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.

Acts 19:1-10

Questions for Reflection:

How does it feel to know that the Christian life is not only about forgiveness of my sins but also receiving the Holy Spirit which empowers living a new life?

In what way is it helpful for you to know that in the early church spiritual progress often took time and effort - often it wasn't instantaneous like many are prone to assume?

Prayer of the Week:

Holy Spirit, thank you for coming. I love You, I worship You, and I trust You. Thank you for always breathing life into lifeless situations. I praise and thank You for enabling me to believe and live, in Jesus name!

I now receive all the new life that You have for me today and bought for me by Jesus Christ. You have clothed me with power from on high. You have sealed me in Christ, become my union with the Father and the Son, the Spirit of truth in me, the life of God in me, my counselor, comforter, healer, strength, and guide. (You may pray here about specific needs today for the Spirit’s counsel, comfort, strength, healing and guidance.)

I now recognize my utter need for You, Holy Spirit, in every aspect and dimension of my life. I deeply desire to be filled with You and to walk in step with You in all things. I seek to have You animate through every one of my thoughts, words and deeds today! Father, I ASK You to fill me afresh with your Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, fill me afresh! (Slowly repeat this phrase a couple of times, pausing to simply receive Him)

Restore my union with the Father and the Son. Lead me into all truth, anoint me for all of my life and walk and calling, and lead me deeper into Jesus today. I receive You with thanks, and I give You total claim to my life. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
