

Join us for worship Sunday Mornings at 9:30 IN Person or 11:00 In Person & Online Children’s Ministry available at the 11:00 service every Sunday

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Got questions about life?   Try ALPHA!
The Spring Alpha Course begins February 16th.

IN PERSON - Sundays 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
(includes free meal and child care)

Watch the video below to learn more about Alpha!
Share it with your friends, family, co-worker.
Invite them to join you for this experience!

Contact David Turnipseed for info 512-658-8402

Ash Wednesday Journey
Wednesday, March 5th
In Person 2 pm - 4 pm AND 6pm - 8 pm


Ash Wednesday interactive In Person journey

This Journey includes “stations”, like worship, confession, prayer, prayer for the world, prayer for local and national leaders, ashes, and communion. Music, refreshments, and time together concludes the journey in the Youth Room.

What is “Ash Wednesday?” Ashes are a symbol for repentance. Repentance is a Biblical word meaning “change the mind”. God literally asks us to “change our mind” as to how we view “ourselves” and “Him.” Ashes are a result, when fire has done it work, they are dead, void of life.

God came to rescue us through His personal entrance into the human dilemma in Jesus. the death and resurrection of Jesus bought a new life for all of humanity. Now, a new “out of the ashes of nothingness comes hope and life” kind of destiny is possible.

God loves “ashy” sinners. He loves us beyond comprehension and in Him we get a new destiny of life - not ashes. the ashes on the forehead are in the shape of a cross for a reason. Jesus dies on the cross for our ashy-ness so ashes would not be our destiny.

Need more info? email



Pause is the learned art of stopping to immerse in the presence of God and untangle from the demands of life. Pause frees our souls to breathe the fresh air of God's grace, even if just for a minute - this is active restoration.


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