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Worship Service - Online @ 11:00 AM
Prayer Walk and Invitation to Pfamily Pfest for our Neighbors!
Be a part of something exciting! Walk! Pray! Invite!
Email pog@pog.church for information!
Pfamily Pfest - Sunday!
April 13th
1-3 PM
Bring the whole Pfamily!
Free Food, Games, Egg Hunt!
Invite your Pfamily, Pfriends, Neighbors,
and Co-Workers!
Volunteers Needed!
Candy and Eggs Needed!
See more info below.
Maundy Thursday Worship and The Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
April 17th at 7 pm
What is Maundy Thursday Worship about?
Through a series of passion readings which record the events our Savior experienced on the night before His death, we will hear His comforting words of assurance, witness His powerful silence as judgment is pronounced, and behold His incredible courage throughout that evening. As the account of Christ’s passion continues, we are reminded that on this night Jesus was stripped of all human dignity and beauty, as a solemn darkness rose up against Him as His death drew near.
The service will include a confession of sins as we prepare to receive the Lord’s Supper. We will then receive the comfort of our crucified and risen Lord through the proclamation of His Word and celebration of the Lord’s Supper, both In Person and Online.
Good Friday Worship
Friday, April 18th at 7:00 pm
In Person and Online at pog.church
What is Good Friday Worship about?
During this worship service we will hear Jesus speaking seven times from the cross. These seven statements are represented by the seven candles. Tonight’s readings, the music, and the message will all be tools for us to discover, embrace & receive the amazing love Jesus has for each one of us. The candles will be extinguished and the lights will gradually dim as the end of Jesus’ life draws near until, in darkness, we will contemplate the finality of His death as the ultimate sacrifice for us awaiting the hope of the resurrection which we will celebrate on Sunday. This is not a funeral service but a reverent celebration of the King who died to be victorious over death from the cross!
Easter Sunday Worship
Join us for Easter Sunday Worship
9:30 In Person Worship
11:00 a.m. In Person and Online at pog.church
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Be a part of something amazing! Prayer!
Pause is the learned art of stopping to immerse in the presence of God and untangle from the demands of life. Pause frees our souls to breathe the fresh air of God's grace, even if just for a minute - this is active restoration.
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In Person Worship
(Nursery, Children’s and Middle School Ministry
are provided during the 11 a.m. service each Sunday!)