Point of Grace Church

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1.6.2015  Is Jesus Enough?

Philippians 3:8-11 (NIV) What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.

Paul gladly gave up everything, his status, power and all he had, to follow Jesus.  That was all he wanted from the time he met Jesus for the rest of his life.  Jesus was everything to him.  If he had plenty or nothing he still had everything in Jesus.  If he was safe or persecuted he always trusted Jesus.  Meeting Jesus changed everything for Paul and after that he did not need or want anything that would change his relationship with Jesus.

That is the kind of faith I want.  Everything else should matter only if it does not distract me from my relationship with Jesus.   All I desire would be meaningless if it would pull me away from Jesus.  I am not there yet but I know that is all that will satisfy me.

I have had dreams in my life that never happened and some things have happened, that caused great disappointment.  When I let those thoughts into my mind and keep asking “Why?” and “What difference would it have made?” bitterness creeps into my heart.  I become bitter and that is what people see in me, a bitter person.  I have been blessed with so much yet I whine about the disappointments and let them over shadow all my many, many blessings.  Jesus, please forgive me.   I need to and want to trust God with all of my life and live fully surrender to Him.  I want to live a life of thankfulness for all of my blessings and for all of my disappointments because they have made me the person I am.  The person God wants me to be.  God is perfect and does not make mistakes.  Do I trust Him and will I see Him as everything I need?

Last year I picked a word for the year.  It was contentment.  I wanted to be content and feel the love, peace and joy in my heart that only comes from a relationship with Jesus.  I could have gotten everything I wanted and had no disappointments in life and that would not have made me a content person.  I would still have bitterness.  Only Jesus can change me and fill me with love, joy and peace.  Then, bitterness cannot come into my heart.  I need to daily choose Jesus and pour out my gratitude and thankfulness to Him.   Jesus has given me unconditional love, mercy, grace, faith, acceptance, forgiveness of all my sins, salvation, eternal life with Him forever, a righteousness that comes from faith in Jesus and much more.  I am eternally grateful to Him and want to praise and thank Him for all these things and more.  He is worthy of all the praise and thankfulness I can give Him.  I pray the love, joy and peace Jesus has given me will flow through me to everyone I meet each day.

How about you?  Is Jesus enough for you?  Is He all you need?

Will you join me in thanking God for everything He has willingly given us?

Dear Heavenly Father,   You are my caring Father!  You are Holy, Perfect, Loving, Complete, and Everything I need.  Thank you for all the many blessings you have blessed me with.  Forgive me for whining about others things.  Help me surrender my life completely to you and to see you as everything I need.  Nothing matters that draws me away from my relationship with you.   I Love You Lord Jesus!

In Jesus Holy and Precious name I pray!   Amen!
