4.25.14 "Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ"
Romans 6:5-11 NIV- 5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin- 7 because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.
8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. 9 For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. 10 The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.
11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
This is Great News! Let’s CELEBRATE JESUS today!
I am celebrating my life Today; for many years ago, God chose this day for me to begin my earthly life! He chose me and gave me life! (Thank you God!) J
I am also celebrating my Life in Christ, because Jesus saved my life when he touched my heart and told me that He Loves Me! He changed my life at that moment in time from one of loneliness, worthlessness, and meaningless to one who is loved, cared for, and wanted (Thank you Jesus!). On that wonderful day in my life, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I gave my life to him and he filled me with His Holy Spirit! (Thank you Jesus!)
[When someone saves your, life you want to tell that person, how grateful you are for saving your life. You feel indebted to that person for the rest of your life. You want to do something to repay them, because they are your hero. There is a bond of love and feeling of owing them your life. ]
Because Jesus saved my life by His Death and Resurrection, He is my Hero! I love Him and I give my life to Him-Fully and Completely! I am overfilled with the Joy of the Holy Spirit! I died with Christ, and I am raised spiritually with Christ, Once for all!
I first gave my life to God when I was young, but it has not been easy (as we all can relate to) to stay totally committed to him. I have gone up and down in my commitment level to him. I have struggled with doing what God wanted me to do vs. doing what I wanted to do. At first I was so overjoyed to be rescued and I was eager to please God. I tried to do it all in my own strength, to prove how good I was to God, to win his love and approval. Over time I could not keep up. I stopped trying so hard, I didn’t think it really mattered. I wandered away from God spiritually. I grumbled and complained about my life. I had my private pity parties. I was envious of l others whose lives seemed to be so much better than mine. I stopped trusting God to lead me and help me. I felt anxious and stressed out about all my responsibilities for family and for other groups we were a part of then. I feared the world around us that was filled with so many dangers, I did not want to even go out and do anything. Life became a chore! Ugh!
I thought God had shut me out, but it was really I who had shut him out. I was choosing to live without the power of the Holy Spirit. I was choosing to follow the way of death. I shut Christ and Life out!
Because of Jesus, I did not totally give up or totally turn away. Jesus pursued me and brought me back to Him. I knew deep down I could not live without Him.
I prayed for God to help me! He woke me up and revived me. He breathed life into me. He forgave me and freed me from my self-destruction!
Now, my life is so much better! Everyday I get up with my husband and we worship and pray together! We haven’t done that in a long time. God is working in both of us; changing our hearts as we choose The Way of Life together! (Praise God)
Also, My daughters and I have started doing the Jesus Calling Devotional by Sarah Young together before school each day. (Praise God!) These have been the desires of my heart for a long time! J
Now, as I open myself up to His Holy Spirit more and more, he has been opening new doors to me. I am learning to listen more carefully to Him, and I am trying to just do what he is calling me to do. But I am still a work in progress (as we all are).
I am excited to see where His Way of Life will lead me as I journey towards my final destination! I already know where the way of death leads and I don’t want to live there anymore! “DEATH WILL NOT WIN! LIFE WINS!”
Dear Jesus, you are my hero, you are my Lord, and Savior! Thank you for going through a terrible death for me. I praise God that He raised you up from the grave and freed me from my sins and eternal death., once for all. With you I am also raised to life, today and forever! I’m looking forward to the day when we will be face to face, but for now I place my hope and trust in you to lead me and guide me in the way you want me to go. The Way of Life! Amen!