Point of Grace Church

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"Things Above"

The verses for today's blog are short but very powerful. Colossians 3 "If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."

What is the apostle Paul trying to tell us here?  How is God trying to move us?  Trying to shape our thinking?

It seems to me Paul understands the power of "thinking" in the human experience.  What we think about and how we process things over in our minds really affects how we feel and how we act.  Our thinking matters.  Our thinking isn't perfect - nor independent - it needs direction and guidance.  These verses make the case that Jesus's resurrection has so affected our identities that we get to change our thinking.  We change are thinking by focusing on something different.  We get to focus our minds on "things above where Christ is".  The resurrection of Jesus is so powerful and its application into our lives is so significant that we get to "set our minds on things above, and not on things that are on earth."  

As I am writing this blog - in the back of my mind are all the things I have to get done today.  When I consider the challenges of the day it can get overwhelming.  Then I get to think about "things above"!  The fact that I have a Father in heaven who loves me very much and  that Jesus said He will always be with me.  "Things above" includes every promise from God - it includes the "grace" of God and the "power" of God abundantly available to me today.  Things change in my inner being as I think about "things above"!

Paul knows this is a deliberate action on our part - a step of faith - to "set your mind on things above".  This action is not natural - by nature our minds will go south - to the things on earth!  That is why it is a step of faith.  I am not all that good at this, especially when life is tough, but I am getting better at it.  I do want to get better at living in the reality of the resurrection of Jesus!

Enjoy setting your mind on things above today!
