7.11.13 “Find your relationship…”
Today’s Reading is 2 Corinthians 4:16 - 18 16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
What a great text to describe our life in relationship with Christ. From the day that we decide to accept Christ as our savior, our worldly self begins to fade as the Spirit begins to grow. It starts out as an exciting time, but as we grow closer and closer to God we tend to get scared because we need to give up control of our lives to him. We are very controlling animals and love to be our own god, but life with him in the lead is such a refreshing world. I’ve found for myself that a good way to gauge how far I’ve come is how I deal with other crazy drivers on the road. If I looked into my rear view mirror and saw someone that was in a hurry weaving in and out of traffic and cutting off other drivers, the old self would have said some mean things and make sure that the other driver wouldn’t be able to cut me off. As I’ve grown in Christ, I find myself praying for the person not to cause an accident that might injure them or the other drivers. I also find myself praying for them to accept Christ and to slow down and enjoy what God has given them and also praying for whatever situation may be causing them to drive so recklessly.
We must be strong in our faith in God, because the world is a very competitive place, especially corporate America where employees are pitted against each other which goes completely against loving thy neighbor. Is it right to do things in your job that would glorify yourself over another fellow employee? I’ve always had a problem at review time because we’re asked to “brag” about ourselves so that we can get an extra 0.5% raise over others. Wouldn’t it be better to ask your boss to give someone else a promotion over yourself? That would be totally against what the world would expect. If we have faith in God, then he’ll put us where we need to be in life. He’ll provide the daily bread that you need, he’ll give you peace and comfort in times of strife. He doesn’t promise that you’ll live a life of luxury, but he does promise to care for you.
Does your employer promise to give you a job forever or to give you everlasting life? If your job promises to pay you a wage and provide some type of health care in return for you spending 40 hours at the office, how much time should you spend with the one that promises to supply your daily bread, loves you unconditionally, forgives you for sinning each and every day and finally promises for you to live forever with Him? Is it worth going to a Friday morning men’s prayer time at 6:00am, or going to the prayer service once a month, or spending time in the word or prayer?
Dave P.