Point of Grace Church

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3.22.13 "I am dead - and Alive!"

Welcome to the POG Blog! Todays reading is Galatians 2 20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

I remember when I first ran across this verse in my journey of faith!  Iwas in my mid-twenties and Dawn and I were going to a church in North East Dallas where the pastor preached in relevant and life giving ways.  He often encouraged the memorization of key scriptures as a way to have the Word of God "hidden in your heart"!  This was one of those verses he ofter referred to - I memorized it - and God has used this word in my life countless times over the last 25 years!

There is both death and life in this verse - Good Friday and Easter - the end and the beginning!  I am dead today!  I also am alive today!  I think the mystery that the Apostle Paul is attempting to reveal to the Christ followers in Galatia is how they can now look at themselves because they have met Jesus! In one sense they need to see themselves "dead - crucified" and in another way they need to see themselves "alive - I live by faith in the Son of God"!

In what way should I see myself dead? - Why did Jesus die? - SIN!   So I can see myself "crucified with Christ"!  When sin, satan, evil and wrong come calling through temptation or addiction or habit or brokenness I get to say to them, "I can't hear you, I am dead to you - a corpse, I have been crucified!"  What a freedom to know that sin, brokenness and the devil are not my master!

In what way should I see myself alive?  The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  So when Jesus comes calling, the Holy Spirit is leading, God is speaking through His Word - I get to say,"Yes, I am listening, ready to go, fully alive to follow"!  The life I now live is my Jesus life!   I get to live dead to sin and alive to Christ!  To put it in the words of Sunday's message, "Deny yourself - follow Jesus!"

This is such a handy life-giving way to live moment by moment everyday!  I remember 25 years ago writing this verse on a little card and carrying it around with me for a couple weels!  I would look at it several times a day!  It began to sink in!  I wound up memorizing it through use! 

Try it!  Memorize it!  Use it through out the day reminding yourself of the truth, "I am dead to sin - but alive to Christ!"  I don't have answer the voice of sin, brokenness and evil!  I do get be alive and responsive to Jesus, His word and Spirit!

Thanks for listening!  Now I would love to listen to you! How does all this strike you today?

