Why Pray? Day 40 - "DARE!"
Well we have arrived at Day 40 of the “Why Pray?” journey! This is definitely not an end but truly a jumping off point to greater adventures in the kingdom of God for all of us! That sense of expectation oozes from this meditation! The title word “DARE!” gives off and aroma of possibility! A recounting of the leper’s expectant faith recorded in Matthew 8 sparked a hopeful “would I be so daring” question in me. “When Jesus came down from the mountain, large crowds followed him.2 A man with a serious skin disease came and bowed down in front of him. The man said to Jesus, “Sir, if you’re willing, you can make me clean.” 3 Jesus reached out, touched him, and said, “I’m willing. So be clean!” Immediately, his skin disease went away, and he was clean. I tend to disagree with Devries’ assumption that Jesus had not healed anyone, let alone a leper, at this point in His ministry. (see Matthew 4:23-24) That notwithstanding, this man’s faith stretched over some grave obstacles to access Jesus but somehow by a merciful act of God’s spirit in his heart he “DARED to BELIEVE” and then acted like it! The main stage actor here is Jesus – not the leper! Jesus heals, Jesus touches, Jesus responds, Jesus loves – the man “DARES to BELIEVE” in this Jesus! His opening line reveals an expectant yet humble and surrendered faith – he believed Jesus “could” but he allowed Him the option “not to” – He DARED to BELIEVE! “Sir, If you’re willing… You can make me clean!” He surrendered completely to Jesus!
This whole experience of “Why Pray?” is reminding me that I am not the main stage actor – Jesus is – but that I do have a key role in which I “DARE to BELIEVE” in what God wants to do to me and through me! Then I am expected to “act like it”! Prayer is a vital non-negotiable part of “acting like” I have “DARED to BELIEVE” in Jesus!
I find myself purposely writing this Day 40 blog in the dawning hours of Day 40 to more fully grasp what God is doing in me on this day. I believe He desperately wants me to remember and bring along in my “living” what He has taught, shown, inspired and mentored in me over these 40 days. What has He called me to “DARE to BELIEVE” about Him, His Kingdom, Prayer, me, my role, etc?
I think we all will do well to reflect and retain every morsel of good that He has given us! I also believe what He has shown us collectively as a church is vital to our future ministry. He is calling us as a congregation to “DARE to BELIEVE”! Listen to Him in John 14, 12 “I can guarantee this truth: Those who believe in me will do the things that I am doing. They will do even greater things because I am going to the Father. 13 I will do anything you ask the Father in my name so that the Father will be given glory because of the Son. 14 If you ask me to do something, I will do it. What kinds of things has God called you to “DARE to BELIEVE” through this “Why Pray?” journey? Let’s talk about it. In fact, I am going to reply on my own blog and offer one of the many things He is showing me! Please join in!
BTW – the BLOG CONTINUES! The 40 days is over but the journey has just begun! Come right back here tomorrow for continued conversation, inspiration and reflection! In the weeks to come Sunday messages will shape the blog themes and daily scripture will ignite the discussion!
Your stories are so important! Please share all stories, comments and inspirations at whypraystories@pointofgracechurch.org