Each year Point of Grace partners with local schools to provide Thanksgiving Meal Basket for 35+ families in our community.
How can YOU help?
Shop for the items listed below to fill the basket.
Donate $ for items
($45 provides an entire basket including the tukey)
Bring them to PoG by Sunday, November 24th.
Help assemble the baskets Sunday afternoon, November 24th.
Help deliver the baskets the week of Thanksgiving!
Contact POG for more details!
Grocery List:
Frozen Turkeys Stuffing Mix
Potatoes / Yams
Rolls / Bread
Chicken Broth / Canned Vegies
Cranberry Sauce / Green Beans
Cream of Mushroom Soup / French Fried Onions
Pies / Holiday Hand Towels / Pot Holders
Wooden Utensils