Point of Grace Church

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Parables of the Kingdom- 7/19/21

44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. 45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

-Matthew 13:44-46

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Message for 7/19/21 Andrew

Questions for Reflection:

As you ponder Jesus's words to you that you are precious to Him, is there anything that comes up as a barrier to accepting those words? What would it be like for you and your faith, to unabashedly accept that identity?

Listen to the song below or read the lyrics below, what words stand out to you? Does having music help your soul engage with Jesus?

How could you respond to Jesus' love today?

Prayer of the Week:

Heavenly Father, I recognize your presence here with me right now and I invite you Father, Son and Holy Spirit into my life and this time of prayer. Holy Spirit, lead my prayer and show me how to pray.

Lord I thank you for sending Jesus to bring your Kingdom Reign into the world. I thank you for teaching me through parables. I thank you for every opportunity that you provide for me to be a contender for the Kingdom. (you are invited to spend a few seconds giving thanks to God) I thank you most of all for ransoming my life on the cross. Thank you Jesus.

Jesus I recognize my need for you today. I know that on my own I am unable to follow you. I ask your forgiveness now. (take some time confessing to Jesus whatever sins come to mind now) Heavenly Father, thank you for loving and forgiving me, through Jesus. Thank you that you never stop loving me. Help me to live more and more every day into the identity that I am a truly loved child, who is precious to you.

Holy Spirit as I think about my day and upcoming week there are many things that I can think of that worry me. I ask and contend for your Kingdom reign to come into those places now, both in my life and in the lives of others. (spend some time praying over that now) Jesus help me to see and respond to all the different places where you have called me to be a contender for the Kingdom.

Thank you Father for revealing yourself to me. I desperately desire to live the meaningful life Christ intends for me this day! Amen

Come Holy Spirit

move in power

ignite my heart with your holy fire

show me the Father

show me the Son

revive my soul again

o Spirit come

All my hope is found

in the hands of Christ my King

May my life be found

in the hands of Christ my King

Come Holy Spirit fill me up

till I am carried

by your rising flood

show me the Father

show me the Son

revive my soul again

o Spirit come

If you’re not here

I don’t wanna be

I won’t be moved unless you move

I want you more than the air I breathe

I need you, I need you